After an arduous yet delightful season of organic farming, a comforting visit with family and friends, and years of daydreaming, I have now begun my travels throughout Central America. I have been in Costa Rica for 3 weeks now, literally traveling from a blizzard to a wonderfully mad dry heat I’ve never known. I can’t say too much yet, being halfway out the door to the beach as usual. But from here I plan to travel north seeking art, permaculture, and various forms of tropical bliss. Internet connection may be few and far between, but it is quite possible I’ll be posting as the story unfolds.
Growing on the Coast
Growing vegetables on the coast of California with the Spicy Flock in the Gypsy Camp of Paradise.
life in europe // france
photo gallery // two trips to paris during my time living abroad
life in europe // budapest
couchsurfing for the weekend with friends in Budapest, Hungary // I love it here // thanks to our amazing host for showing us the beauty of this city!
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life in europe // northern italy
photo gallery // northern traveling Italy with mom
cinque terra, florence, siena and tuscany
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life in europe // northern spain
life in europe // southern italy
photo gallery // traveling southern Italy with mom
life in europe // northern portugal
For one life changing month I lived on a quinta on the northern edge of Portugal, in a 500 year old farmhouse overlooking the town and the nearby national park with the border of Spain in the distance
life in europe // traveling portugal
I flew from Italy into Lisboa, Portugal and journeyed north along the coast from Lisbon to Sintras, Peniche, and Oporto